POS (Point Of Sale) With Advance Stock Manager
Let’s convert your concept in to reality

Online Billing Software For Retailers & Wholesalers with POS
Stock Manager Advance with all module (Shop & POS) is a PHP/jQuery based web application that allows you to manage your sales and inventory from anywhere.
POS Billing Software
with below Modules
Shop & point of sale module, sales, quotations, purchases, expenses, transfers, customers, suppliers, payments (Stripe, PayPal, Skrill & Authorise.net), user group permissions, multiple billers, warehouses with price groups & many more
Lifetime license for Single License at Rs.16000/- Including Installation & 1 Year Support,
After 1 Year if Support Required 30%(Rs.4500) of Software Price.
Shop & API Module
Simple & Responsive Shop (E-Commerce) Design with more than 10+ color styles & front-end settings to manage shop and sliders configuration, private shop and option to disable cart to use it as catalog. APIs are get only with products, sales, quotations, purchases and transfers endpoints
With Overview & Best Seller Chart, Latest Five (sales, quotations. purchases, transfers, customers & suppliers)
Standard, Combo & Digital products with import & export option along with quantity adjustment and bulk update feature
Point of Sale (POS)
Simple and easy to use design with registers, virtual keyboard, hold/suspend sales and display customer screen option. Quick Cash buttons and Accept payment with PayPal Pro, Stripe and Authrise.net
Sales with payments and option to accept payments online by PayPal and Skrill along with delivery, gift cards and returns options
Add quotation, convert them to sales or purchase order with download as pdf option
Staff and customer notifications option
Purchase order with payments records, option to add purchase with CSV along with expenses feature
Transfer products from one warehouse to another with csv, import & export options
Manager staff users, billers (selling companies), customers and suppliers with import by csv and export options
Easily manage the app with settings for logo, categories, variants, currencies, tax rates, customer groups, price groups, email templates and group permissions (staff group)
Overview & warehouse stock chart, product quantity and expiry alerts, general profit and/or loss report, sales, purchases, transfers, customer, suppliers and staff user reports
Much more
Multilingual, Event Calendar, Calculator, On-Screen Keyboard and comprehensive documentation
POS Billing Advance has built-in Invoice and Inventory System with taxes and discounts. These will be really helpful to apply taxes and discounts automatically and the ability to generate invoice and purchase orders from quotation.
Responsive Theme with 3 styles, Calender to add events and daily/month sales and tax amounts. Advance and Improved reports for Overview, Stock Value per warehouse, custom sales and purchase reports.
No matter what your business does or where it’s based SMA is the ultimate point of sale solution for you. SMA gives you the ability to do everything a modern EPoS system should do, sales, create gift cards, accept payments, purchase and record expenses. SMA simplifies sales, payments, purchases and all others for you giving you more time to focus on your business.
SMA can manage multiple warehouses while Shop Module brings the SMA to next level by allowing you to easily sell your products online from your website, accept PayPal & Skrill payments. This module would help your customer to manager their sales, quotes and payments.
POS (Point of Sale) Module would help your staff to easily sell your products and accept credit card payments. Easily access POS from your device with internet connection and this module is touch screen friendly.
Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales data from anywhere whether in the office, at home, in the warehouse, or on the go. All you need to access this a device with internet connection.
Server Requirements
PHP 7+ (below PHP7.3), PHP Mcrypt Extension, PHP MBString Extension, PHP DOM Extension, PHP GD or GD2 Extension, PHP MYSQLi Extension, PHP CURL Extension, PHP ZIP Extension, MYSQL 5.5+ (only_full_group_by should be disabled), URL Rewrite Extension, Cronjob (required for automated tasks)
Installation Requirement
Please be informed that you will need internet connection to install the item. Installation is Free from our side.