How To Manage Online Customer Reviews

Nowadays, every operation is conducted online. We even shop online these days. While shopping, what is it that we refer to most while shopping. Most of us go through the review’s section to see whether that specific item is suitable for us or not. While ordering items, many times we go through some negative reviews and sometimes positive ones. According to these reviews, we decide whether to commit to an item or not.


We sometimes can also go through fake reviews about a product. These fake reviews sometimes change our mind. While managing customers’ reviews, we need to tackle these types of reviews. We can either face positive reviews or negative reviews or fake reviews. While managing these types of reviews we need to face each one of them smartly. Customer reviews are one of the most effective things that customers go through while ordering a product.


Managing Online Customer Reviews

Following are some ways in which you can manage online customer reviews.


1. Track Your Reviews

In order to look after your reviews you first need to know each time your product gets reviewed. To get notified each time you get reviewed there are sites which help you track your reviews. Sites such as Yelp Product Review, Google Reviews, etc. help you to keep track of your reviews. They notify you so that you can check whether your product is classified as good or bad.

How To Manage Online Customer Reviews


2. Respond To Positive Comments

Whenever a customer gives a positive comment or review make sure to respond to it. Whenever you respond to a positive review, it makes the customer feel that you do care about their review. You can either send them a text message personally or can reply to them publicly. If you are using Facebook or Twitter as your business handle then you have to reply to them publicly, you have no other option. Keep in mind not to exaggerate your response. Keep it simple and short.

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3. Manage Negative Responses

People with more than positive reviews take time to explore the bad reviews. So keep in mind to react to negative reviews. Whenever you come across any negative review try to act positively. Never neglect a negative review. Try to respond with all your heart and reach to the bottom as to why your customer didn’t like your product. By doing this, you can even turn sad customers into the happiest ones.


4. Dealing With Fake Review

Worse than negative are fake reviews. These reviews degrade your product rating and can be harmful. Do not fear from these fake reviews there are ways to tackle these reviewers. In order to catch them they have some specific traits, like, they have either full five or only one star rating as a customer, they have no review history, they usually use “I” or “me” in their review to sound more sincere, and some. Once you get to know which review is fake and which is not you can easily get them ousted from your comment section or report to portal where that review is posted. This will help you stay away from fake reviews.



To Sum It Up

Today’s consumers value what others say about your company. If you embrace this and properly solicit, manage and respond to online reviews, you can build a reputation that grows your business. Dealing with online reviews can be a tricky business, but handled with care and a certain sense of urgency, you’ll not only preserve your brand reputation but also stand a solid chance of strengthening your consumer bonds.

So start managing your customer reviews with utmost patience, experience and make them longing for more and more of your brand.

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